According to Word Health organization, Obesity is now a growing epidemic,And Sooner or later it will be the number one cause of death worldwide. Now I don't want to be preachy too much and be criticized as a judgemental and insensitive, I just want to state the fact that it is not normal. I, too was Obese at one time in my life and i have experienced everything an Obese person have experienced. Since i was a kid, everyday to me was cheatday to me, i was a spoiled little brat who binge on every type of food...except vegetables. As years have passed, i slowly noticed that i was different from others, i was always the fattest and slowest student on the classroom, and it carried on until i was adult and already working. Throughout those years i developed depression and very low-self esteem. I have trouble communicating to others especially to women because of my appearance. I have severe acne and my neck-down was covered with skin-tags. 10 years ago i weighed at my heaviest at 276lbs(125.5kg) and Obese Class III (BMI = 40.7) borderline diabetic, Hypertension stage 2, and mild athritis, They told my life was already at risk. Its a Good thing my Doctor told me that.

fat and lazy
Every day was cheat day to me
Everyday Cheatday
Sugar was my no.1 addiction in the past.

Remember the things the teachers told us in grade school? the GROW, GLOW, and GO foods in one balanced meal. That is the most basic concept of nutrition. Choosing the right foods first is the first step on eating right. GROW foods - helps you build muscles, strengthens your bones, and satiety. High protein foods like lean meat and dairy are good examples of this food type. GLOW foods - Helps us maintain our bodily functions (e.g. Immune system, Digestive function, Eyesight). Nutrient dense Foods like vegetables and some fresh fruits are GLOW foods. GO foods - Foods that gives us energy and keeps us going throughout the day. Grains like Corn, Rice, and sweet Fruits are considered GO foods.

Now you know the 3 types of food, Lets proceed to the next step: Tracking. How much food will I eat if I want to lose weight? Should I eat carbs? This is where calorie tracking and macronutrient partitioning comes into place. Calories - are basic unit of energy. The total number of energy (calories) you take throughout the day will determine on how you gain or lose weight. Macronutrients - Are building blocks of our food which are: Protein, Carbs, Fat. Once we eat our Food, it will be processed by our digestive system into small substances(macronutrients) to be absorbed by your body and be used as by your organs and tissues for growth and energy. This is the concept of ENERGY BALANCE, which is CALORIES IN vs. CALORIES out. So if your goal is weight loss, EAT LESS, MOVE MORE. You have to take in less energy and exercise if you want to lose fat. And If your goal is weight gain (lean) EAT MORE, MOVE MORE. You have to eat more calories to stimulate Muscle growth paired with correct Workout routine. How can you calculate your total calories? You can try this free calorie calculator FreeDieting ,and this free food journals and calorie trackers Fitday, and MyfitnessPal.

Everyday Cheatday
Grow, Glow, Go foods in one balanced meal.
Everyday Cheatday
Calorie/Nutrient tracking made simple by FitDay APP
Everyday Cheatday
My 6 day Meal Preparation during an out of town vacation.

After you are done on determining your goal and the appropriate total calories you need to take, the next step is your meal preparation. There are several ways to prepare your meal: 1. Cook your own meal. 2. Have someone cook your meal 3. Buy your own meal outside. You have to choose a meal according to your goal. For weight loss: have at least 3 servings of GROW foods, 3 servings of GLOW foods, and half serving of GO foods per meal. For weight gain, have at least 2 serving of GROW food, 2 servings of GLOW foods, and 2 and a half serving of GO foods. Drink at least half-a-liter of water every meal and after exercise. Assign at least one of your meals immediately after you workout! your body is more responsive to store your food in your muscles for damage repair and replenighment rather than storing it as fat.