Frequently Asked Questions

Everyday Cheatday

Food and Nutrition

1. What is the Best Diet in order to Lose weight fast?

there are no Best Diet out there. The best diet is unique to each person. That Diet is something you can commit to. A diet that you can eat and cook everyday and everytime regardless of any temptation offered to you. that is the best diet.

2. How much Rice should i eat everyday? They said Rice makes you fat

FOOD makes you FAT! period. Every Food makes someone fat if it is eaten in excess. There are some other foods that are less calorie dense than others(fresh vegetables vs. Junk/ Fried Foods). So whatever you eat, check on their nutrition label first before eating it and make sure that it will still fit in your total calorie intake for the day.

3. Do I need to Take Supplements in order to get Big/Lean? Are they safe?

No, you don't need supplements. Supplements exist to add additional help to whatever goal you're trying to reach. And Not all Supplements are safe. They say that "if you can't read it, its not safe".

4. Is " insert Food name " healthy?

"Healthy" is a vague term when labelling food.Generally, We only label healthy if a food is worth eating in large quantities or can be eaten without consequences. But in reality, our digestive system doesn't label food as healthy or not, it just processes food in very small parts until it is can be fully absorbed by the body. So, eat whatever you want as long as it is within your total calorie intake for the day

5. Why don't I get the result i wanted?! Im doing your exercise program and I am eating right for a couple of weeks already!

Calm Down, Results take months and even years for noticable results to take place.

Everyday Cheatday
Sweat it out

Exercise and General Fitness

1. I am currently Injured in my "insert Body Part" Will I lose my progress if I stop exercising for a few months in order to recover?

You don't exactly lose your progress in an instant.Loss of progress happens through several months of inactivity. Genetics and Years active in exercise also plays a part.

2. Why am I getting Dizzy/Lightheaded when doing this "exercise"? Am i doing something wrong?

Low Blood Sugar, Fatigue, Dehydration, Lack of certain vitamins/nutrients, or a certain medical condition. I highly suggest you consult yor physician regarding this.

3. How often should I workout?

Depends on your Goal. If your goal is optimal perfomance and Improved physique, a minimum of 3 times of 1 to 2 hours a week of intense exercise is what i suggest. If you goal is general fitness and health, a minimum of 3 times of moderate exercise is needed.

4. Is Lifting weights for women makes them muscular?

NO. Women don't produce enough Hormone "testosterone" to compared to average men. Testosterone is a male dominant hormone responsible for muscle growth and developing male characteristics in men. Those Muscular women you see are possibly taking "supplements" specifically to increase testosterone production.

5. What is the Best Exercise to Lose Fat in my "insert body part "?

Naturally, You cannot spot reduce fat. When we lose fat, Our body tends to lose fat in equally in every part of our body.